Customer Testimonials

“Best storage experience I’ve had. If I ever need storage again I will definitely come back here. Super friendly people who are willing to help and put a smile on customers’ faces.”

-James, A Self Storage of Little Ferry

“Very friendly people that take pride in what they do. It is wonderful that a big rig can unload there. A huge advantage over other places close to NYC.”

-John, A Self Storage of Little Ferry

“I had wonderful service with Access storage. They helped me make all the right decisions with my storage unit.”

-Edith W, A Self Storage of Haledon

“I came to Access in April last year under enormous stress. I was homeless and needed storage space. Over the year I received the “best money can buy” from Access storage. I am moving on with gratitude and humility and reflective of the kindness from your staff. There are no words for my moving on. Thanks.”

-Verina A, A Self Storage of Haledon

“The staff was amazing! So friendly, helpful and compassionate. A joy to work with!”

-Evelyn, Access Self Storage of Franklin Lakes

“The service was excellent. The customer representatives were always helpful and courteous. The emails were also helpful.”

-Brenda, Access Self Storage of Clark

“Easy availability and great communication and explanation. On-site representative handled all of my concerns. Would recommend this place to all.”

-Bernice, Access Self Storage of Congers

“Great customer service by staff! ”

-Andy B, Access Self Storage of Kenilworth

“Thanks for being the best storage unit crew anyone could possible imagine! You all are the best. If I ever need storage again I will be back!”

-Karen, Access Self Storage of Long Island City

“The advisors were very helpful, informative and kind. I would definitely use this facility again.”

-Nicole, Access Self Storage of Oakland